Voodoo Gift Voucher for Friends, Family and Loved Ones

Change someone’s life forever. Give the gift of Voodoo this Holiday Season.

Voodoo Gift Voucher for Friends, Family and Loved Ones

Recently an old client of mine came to me and asked me to help his brother. The man was very sick. He had lost his job. He was extremely overweight. He was probably cursed. He needed my help.

This is quite a common situation, but always there is the same problem. In order to help someone, I need to be able to communicate on a one-to-one basis, with the person who will benefit from the spell. I cannot work through a third party. How then could I help this man’s brother?

The answer was simple. My client purchased his brother a Voodoo Spell Gift Voucher.

A few weeks later his brother sent me an email, and quoted the Gift Voucher Code. We exchanged messages and within a few days I cast a curse removal spell. His life began to change. Inside of a year he had lost all the extra weight, his illnesses had cleared up, he had a new job, and there was a special lady in his life.

That was the best gift his brother had ever given him.

Why would I buy a Voodoo spell for a friend or loved one?

It may seem very strange and unusual, giving the gift of voodoo magic, but how many times have you asked yourself “if only there was something I could do to help?” Now there is.

Whether you have an Aunt that needs to lose weight, close friends who are trying for a baby, or a niece who is struggling to pass her exams – I can help.

Simply purchase, print and give them a gift voucher and they will have a year to contact me directly. I will work with them, and cast whatever spell they need, as if I were working for you.

How do I purchase a Voodoo Gift Voucher?

Simply Select Gift Voucher on the order page. Please insert YOUR email address. I do not need to know your friends name or the nature of his or her problem at this stage.

Once you have made your payment, I will generate a unique code and email it to YOU.

Keep this email safe, but also forward it to your friend. Or perhaps, print the email out and give it to them.

Your friend will have a year to get in touch with me - either via my website, or my email address – from the purchase date.

Are there things I should not do when purchasing a Voodoo Gift Voucher?

There are few rules.

Please do not combine a gift voucher purchase with a spell for yourself.

After you have made your purchase please keep checking YOUR email regularly. If you do not hear from me within two days, CHECK YOUR SPAM FILTERS!

Please read the terms and conditions below.

Voodoo Spell Gift Voucher TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Please read these carefully before ordering:

  1. You cannot purchase a gift voucher as a “second spell”.
  2. Gift vouchers can only be used for one spell, cast by myself.
  3. Gift vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash, used to buy more gift vouchers, or exchanged for anything else.
  4. Gift vouchers can only be used once, and must be used within a year of purchase.
  5. Gift vouchers cannot be used by the purchaser.
  6. The unique gift code must be quoted before any work is done.
  7. Please keep the gift code email safe. I will only remind the purchaser (NOT the gift recipient) of the unique gift code, and ONLY if they are able to provide proof of their purchase.
  8. There is no money-back-guarantee for spells cast using a gift voucher.
  9. The gift voucher cannot be refunded, or exchanged, even if the recipient no longer wants or needs it (instead, might I humbly suggest you give the voucher to someone else).
  10. The voucher recipient MUST be over eighteen. Proof of age may be asked for.
  11. I must be able to communicate with the spell recipient via email. I do not offer a telephone service at present. Neither am I able to accept visits in person or zoom. Neither can I work through a third party. Please make sure your spell recipient has an email account.

Are you ready to Purchase a Voodoo Gift Voucher?

Buy Spell

$179 per spell

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100% Success Guarantee

I guarantee I will cast the spell for you, and try with all my power and all my spiritual energy to make it work for you. That is my honest guarantee.

We Accept PayPal
Buy Spell

$179 One time payment

Buy Spell

100% Success Guarantee

I guarantee I will cast the spell for you, and try with all my power and all my spiritual energy to make it work for you.

We Accept PayPal

It’s been 3 days since you answer my email request and I feel so relieved . {Name removed} finally called me Monday morning and he seems happy to talk to me I'm not sure if the spell works for him but I'm pretty it has something to to with it and I'm glad the forces is transmitting a good vibes between the two of us . I am following your instructions so thank you again for your advice . I hope this will start s new beginnings to our journey . Thanks again and more power to you! God Bless!


I have started seeing little changes in my life. From drastic downfall it is just trending up. Thank you very much for this positive change.


Read All My Testimonials >

Read before ordering

My Spells and Curses are very powerful. Once a spell is cast, there is no stopping it. Haitian Voodoo is serious business, and very real, so please think carefully before proceeding.

Do not order a spell if you are not 100% certain you're ready for the consequences!

  • It may sound great to suddenly come in to a lot of money, but that can cause sudden problems with family members.
  • Having someone suddenly fall in love with you can be wonderful, but what will you do when they become jealous?
  • Getting your annoying co-worker fired by using a powerful Voodoo Curse might feel gratifying at first, but remember, he or she might have a family to feed.

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